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Voice and Swallowing

Voice and Swallowing

Voice and Swallowing

The Coastal Voice and Swallowing Center focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of laryngologic (voice box and throat) conditions. We offer a wide variety of in-office and operative procedures, and partner with speech pathologists in the greater New Jersey Shore area to get you the care you need.

  • Flexible Laryngoscopy

    Flexible Laryngoscopy

    A small flexible camera is used to visualize the nose, throat, and vocal cords after numbing the nose and throat.

  • Video Stroboscopy

    Video Stroboscopy

    The vocal cords are examined with a high power camera and strobe light to examine for abnormalities that may be causing voice problems.

  • Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallow (FEES)

    Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallow (FEES)

    A test that evaluates your swallowing function using a camera as your swallow various consistencies of food.

  • In-Office Treatments

    In-Office Treatments

    In-office, convenient treatments, including botox injection for spasmodic dysphonia, vocal cord augmentation for vocal cord paralysis, and biopsy of suspicious lesions.